After multiple emails to Ms. Angela Mariani (PR for Roberto Cavalli) and Nordstrom HQ I sat back and waited for a response. I had given up on Mr. Cavalli’s “Public Relations” but I still believed that Mr. Peter Nordstrom would pull through.
I have to admit that after two weeks of patiently waiting for a response, I began to question whether Nordstrom had forgotten about the issue. It was the morning of Tuesday, July 22nd when it happened…
Although I didn’t personally hear back from Mr. Nordstrom or his team, the flood of responses to other students who had written to the company started to come in. Here is one of them:
This is the kind of admirable behavior one expects of a company that stands for customer service. As mentioned in Episode 1, I have been a loyal Nordstrom customer for this very reason. With this decision, they kept their loyal customers and created thousands of raving fans. Nordstrom’s level of service has been displayed all over social media and will continue to spread.
Some other companies have followed in their footsteps and removed the Just Cavalli products. Others are still dragging their feet and digging in their heels before reaching such an obvious yet significant decision.
Corporations such as Nordstrom, who understand the value of customer retention, respect the values held by those clients and survive to reap the rewards. Those who don’t simply become PR examples of what not to do.
When will the handful of remaining retailers take down the Just Cavalli products? That remains to be seen.
It is certain however that we will not stop until Roberto Cavalli stops using our Sacred Logo on his products and his marketing material.
Please read and take note. This is important. Thank you for everyone who supports this cause.
Thank you for your support. STOP this abuse of our sacred emblem. The let world know that in this day and age, minority count and do not allow multinational companies bully and disrespect peaceful and law abiding non-profitable organisations.
Thank u so very much for taking such a big decision and valuing the human and religious right, and knowing this logo as scared and holly to the sufi students.
This means a lot.