The word “Allah” literally translates as “God” and refers to the Absolute Creator, such that there is no other except “Allah”.
The distinctive outline of the Sacred Emblem can be derived from writing the word “Allah” twice (one being inverted and reflected to align with the other).
In the science of letters and numbers (Abjad) the letters of “Allah” equates to the number 66.
Therefor, writing “Allah” twice leads us to the number 132, which transcribes to the Arabic word for Heart “Ghalb”.
Thus, the Sacred Emblem is another reminder for the seeker that the gateway to self-cognition is through the heart, as initially prescribed by the founder of the School Hazrat Oveys Gharani, who stated 1400 years ago “Turn towards thy Heart”.
“Allif Lam Mim” is the first verse from Surah Al-Baqara of the Holy Quran. The letter “Alif” starts from a single point and forms a line bearing no resemblance to its initial point. Thus, “Alif” itself is a manifestation of all the stages of growth stemming from that initial starting point.
The downward arm of the letter “Mim” represents the human being’s natural limited existence. The vertical stem of the letter “Lam” displays the growth and unification of the life force which is hidden within every being, at the Source of Life in the heart, and represented by the circle of “Mim”.
“Ali” which means “the Great One” is also the name of the first disciple of Islam Imam Ali (pbuh). Numerically the word “Ali” equates to the number 110. Reading this number linearly (ie. 1+10) equates to the numerical value of the word “Hoo”, which literally translates to as “He” but is also the phonetic word of the sound of exhalation. When “Ali” is written 4 times as in the case of the Sacred Symbol the total value of its letters equates to 440 and when read linearly (ie 4+40) this brings up the Persian word for inhalation (“Dham”). Therefore, within the core of the Sacred Emblem there is a reminder for the seeker that the key to self-cognition lays within the secret of “breath”.
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